
Kalmia info

Kalmia info

The website of K-H Huebbers, the famous Kalmia breeder from Germany.

Société Française d'Acclimatation

Société Française d'Acclimatation

The SFA is a small but dynamic french association where you can learn and exchange about exotic and subtropical plants. In french.

Royal Horticultural Society

Royal Horticultural Society

"Sharing the best in Gardening"

Association des Parcs et Jardins de Bretagne

Association des Parcs et Jardins de Bretagne

The website of the Park & gardens association of Brittany, representing more than 140 gardens (in french)

American Rhododendron Society

American Rhododendron Society

Valuable resources for Rhododendron & Azalea

Domaine de Boutiguéry

Domaine de Boutiguéry

20 ha Park in South Brittany famous for its Rhododendrons & Azaleas collections, and lots more...

Société Bretonne du Camellia

Société Bretonne du Camellia

Website of the SBC (in french).