Home > Catalog > Shrubs > Shrubs N to Z > Trachelospermum jasminoides

Trachelospermum jasminoides

This evergreen jasmine has a dense growth habit and produces lovely small star-shaped blossoms with a heady perfume in summer. A moderate grower, it lends itself to many uses in the garden as well as on the terrace.
2.50 (à 10 ans)
2.50 (à 10 ans)


On a treillis or in a pot.


Dig a hole three times the size of the root ball. Remove the plant from its container and thoroughly soak the root ball. Half-fill the hole with a mixture of 2/3 acidic compost and 1/3 garden soil enriched with manure. Place the plant (not too deeply) in the hole and continue filling around the root ball. Water well after planting.


Water frequently during the first year.

Ref. 1000678
3L pot
Price € TTC: 23.00
Availability: OK