Home > Catalog > Shrubs > Carex Frosted Curls

Carex Frosted Curls

Carex are highly decorative evergreen grasses which grow in clumps of graceful stems in tones of bronze, chestnut, and yellow. They work well in beds mixed with perennials and small shrubs.
0.40 (à 10 ans)
0.60 (à 10 ans)
Part Shade / Sun


Use as a patio plant or in shrubberies and flowerbeds with perennials.


Remove the plant from its container and thoroughly soak the root ball. Place the plant (not too deeply) in a hole with a mixture of loose soil and topsoil around the root-ball, gently tamping the earth. Water in.


Water well the first year. No subsequent maintenance required.

Ref. 1001641
3L pot
Price € TTC: 19.00
Availability: OK