Home > Catalog > Shrubs > Eucalyptus gunnii France Bleu®

Eucalyptus gunnii France Bleu®

The very slender, blue-tinted foliage of this Eucalyptus sets it apart from other gunnii varieties. It has a rounded and open growth habit. Obtained by Pépinières Renault in Northwest France.
2.50/3.00 (à 10 ans)
1.50/2.00 (à 10 ans)


In borders or beds with other ericaceous plants (Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Maples, etc.).


Soak the root ball for a few minutes, then remove the plant from its container and place it in a hole on a bed of soil. Fill and water well.


Water well the first year. Lightly prune in spring during the first few years to maintain a dense form.

Ref. eucfra
4L pot
Price € TTC: 27.00
Availability: OK