Home > Catalog > Pieris > Pieris Little Heath Green

Pieris Little Heath Green

This Pieris has dark-green foliage on an upright form, and colourful new shoots. Attractive white bunches of blossom appear in spring.
0.60 (à 10 ans)
0.80 (à 10 ans)
Part Shade


In shrubberies in association with other Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias, etc., or in containers.


In well-drained, acid soil, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball and half-fill it with an acid compost. Remove the plant from its container and thoroughly soak the root ball. Half-fill the hole with a mixture of 50% acid compost, soil and peat. Place the plant (not too deeply) in the hole and finish adding the soil mixture around the root ball Water well.


Water frequently during blooming and in dry periods. Add a specialised fertiliser during spring.

Ref. 1003281
4L pot
Price € TTC: 28.00
Availability: OK