Home > Catalog > Perennials > Colocasia Maui Gold

Colocasia Maui Gold

This Taro variety has luxurious golden foliage whose colour ranges in hue from lime to deep yellow. An excellent plant for adding a touch of the exotic to summer and autumn flowerbeds.
0.60/0.80 (à 10 ans)
0.60 (à 10 ans)
Shade / Part Shade


In a pot or in a shrubbery associated with other tropical-foliage plants like Musa, Hedychium, Dicksonia, Canna,...


Remove the plant from its container and thoroughly soak the root ball. Place the plant (not too deeply) in a hole with a mixture of loose soil and topsoil around the root-ball, gently tamping the earth. Water in.


Water well the first year. Apply an appropriate fertiliser in spring. Mulch the stump in winter in colder climates.

Ref. 1004808
4L pot
Price € TTC: 29.50
Availability: OK